
Deforming arthrosis of the hip joint (coxarthrosis)

A full range of orthopedic services, from diagnosis to full recovery

Osteoarthritis of the hip joint (coxarthrosis) is a degenerative – dystrophic disease in which the cartilage covering the surface of the femoral head and acetabulum is destroyed. The disease develops gradually and is caused by a variety of causes. Such causes as hormonal changes, circulatory disorders due to trauma, inflammatory processes, obesity, congenital predisposition, and injuries can lead to the onset of osteoarthritis.


There are 4 stages of arthrosis and, depending on the stage, the symptoms will be different.

First stage: in most cases, the symptoms are absent or mild. The first stage is characterized by pain in the anterior and lateral surfaces of the thigh, and in the groin after prolonged or intense physical exertion, a feeling of stiffness in the joint after a long immobility (in the morning), crunching or clicking in the joint when moving.
Second stage:at this stage, the destruction of the cartilage has already gone far. Most often, people go to the doctor at this stage. Among the symptoms are the following: constant pain that does not disappear even at rest, impaired joint mobility, progressive lameness – a person instinctively tries to reduce the load on the affected joint.
Third stage: if the first and second stages can be dispensed with conservative treatment, the third one already requires surgical treatment. Symptoms: severe pain that affects the entire thigh and gives to the knee, lameness, a decrease in the length of the leg from the affected joint, atrophy of the thigh muscles.

Stage Four:At this stage, the muscles are severely atrophied, the patient experiences constant pain, the range of motion is sharply reduced, and the length of the affected limb is reduced.

There are many methods of conservative treatment for the treatment of coxarthrosis. Usually, an orthopedic doctor prescribes them in a complex way. The third and fourth stages in most cases are treated promptly. Without timely treatment of osteoarthritis of the hip joint in the future may lead to ankylosis. Ankylosis – complete fusion of the femur with the pelvis, while the leg will be stationary.

Conservative treatment

Medication: in the first and second degree, anti-inflammatory drugs, chondroprotectors, vasodilators, myorelexants, local ointments and applications are used.

PRP therapy is a modern method of treating arthrosis of the joints, which consists in injecting platelet-rich plasma into the affected joint. You can learn more about this method on our website.

Hyaluronic acid injections are one of the most effective methods of non-surgical treatment of osteoarthritis. It is most often used in cases of insufficient effectiveness of conservative methods of treatment of osteoarthritis of the joint. Hyaluronic acid is part of the synovial fluid of a healthy joint and is a natural structural component of articular cartilage.

BMAC (bone marrow aspirate concentrate) is a promising modern regenerative therapy that helps to restore damaged parts of the musculoskeletal system in a natural way due to the influence of a balanced complex of mesenchymal stem cells, growth factors, and cytokines. More information about this method can be found on our website.

Shock wave therapy is a method of non-surgical treatment based on the action of acoustic shock waves.

Physical therapy-physical therapy for osteoarthritis is aimed not only at maintaining muscle tone and strengthening ligaments, but also at developing the joint, as well as forming the habit of moving correctly.

Diet is the right diet for osteoarthritis is very important. If the patient suffers from excess weight, you will have to make an effort to lose it.

Surgical treatment

In the late stages of hip arthrosis, surgical intervention is required.

Arthroscopic debridement. This is the removal of the deformed part of the cartilage, which gives relief, but without comprehensive treatment, the effect will be short-lived.

Arthroplasty. This term refers to the replacement of one's own joint with an artificial one. This operation is resorted to when the joint is already completely destroyed and other methods of treatment do not give improvements.

The sooner the patient goes to an orthopedic doctor, the better and more effective the treatment will be. In the first and second stages of coxarthrosis, conservative treatment and a course of physiotherapy are sufficient. However, the disease can return if you do not reconsider your lifestyle. To keep the joint as long as possible, you will have to lose weight, rationalize your diet, and give up bad habits.
In the third and fourth stages, you can no longer do without surgery. Conservative methods are also applicable, but as rehabilitation measures.


To prevent osteoarthritis, you need to regularly undergo an examination by an orthopedic doctor, especially if you have previously had joint injuries, dysplasia, this also applies to people with excess weight, professional athletes.



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