
Tendinitis of the Achilles tendon

A full range of orthopedic services, from diagnosis to full recovery

The Achilles tendon is the largest tendon of the person. It is formed as a result of the fusion of the tendons of the calf muscle and the soleus muscle and is attached to the hillock of the calcaneus. When the muscles contract, they pull the Achilles tendon, and as a result, there is a plantar flexion in the ankle joint – that is, we can stand on the toe of the foot or jump, pushing off the feet. There is a mucosal sac between the surface of the calcaneus and the tendon, which reduces the friction between the bone and the tendon. In addition, the tendon itself is located in a special channel, inside which there is also a little liquid that reduces friction.


With age, as a result of overexertion, there is degeneration and weakening of the tendon fibers. Some of the fibers wear out, some are torn, and in the end, the tendon loses its strength. The body tries to somehow restore strength to the tendon and with the help of scar tissue, the tendon thickens. As a result, areas of altered tissue are formed instead of tendon tissue. This condition is called tendinitis or tendinosis. Such areas are much weaker than healthy areas and often painful. If you treat it in time and correctly, you can be cured completely. A tendon that is inflamed is easier and will tear faster than a healthy one. The Achilles tendon can suddenly break when jumping, playing tennis, football, basketball, etc. Most often, the Achilles tendon rupture occurs in men from 30 to 50 years old.

When the Achilles tendon is torn, the patient often hears a crack, and then there is a sharp pain in the lower leg. With a torn Achilles tendon, you can't stand on your toes. It is often possible to feel the sinking of soft tissues when a tendon is torn. The torn tendon should be treated promptly, the alternative is to wear an immobilizing bandage for a long time.


The treatment has 2 goals: to remove the inflammation and allow the tendon to heal.
It is not recommended to strain the Achilles tendon if it is painful or swollen. It is forbidden to run and jump. You can put a podpyatochnik in your shoes to relieve the tendon. The pain will indicate what the patient is allowed and what is forbidden. All movements should be performed in comfort, so that there is no pain. The condition will worsen if you do something through pain (slight discomfort is acceptable).

It is recommended to apply ice (through a cloth) to the Achilles tendon for 20 minutes 2-3 times a day and each time after physical exertion. This will reduce pain, swelling, and inflammation.



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  • > 150,000 consultations were held
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